Friday, 20 July 2012

Uniten Computer Labs

Uniten own a lot of facilities, but the facilities that impress me is Uniten Computer Labs, which at College of Information Technology, or to be more specific (COIT). As I know the system that uniten using at computer lab is the best compare to other outside university. This computer lab is at COIT level 3 and level 4 which is fully occupied with computer lab and with new computers. At the same time, uniten do have another computer lab for Engineering Students at College of Engineering (COE), which wel-know as ITMS. It make engineering students life easy by not coming to COIT to use the lab. Uniten have 20 computer labs. Most of computer are using Windows 7 and only few using Window XP. All the computer do support all kind of software and application. I will say that Uniten Computer lab internet is the faster compare to other blog or class rooms.

This is 1 of the Uniten Computer Lab.


                                                                       My friend getting the notes at Computer lab.

Another friend who studying for
 exam at computer lab. 

The Official Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Website -Facilities in UNITEN . (n.d.). Retrieved from The Official Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Website:

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